SOUTHERN BAPTIST COLLEGE is a distinctively Christian institution of higher learning established in 1952. It is affiliated with the Southern Baptist denomination but is open to all students from diverse backgrounds and affiliations.
SBC is located in a 15-hectare sprawling eco-friendly campus conducive to study and students’ co-curricular activities. It has updated IT-based instructional amenities and a wide range of sports and athletic facilities. With qualified and dedicated faculty and staff, students are prepared for life.
For over 60 years now, SBC continues to live by its bedrock principles and core values of Truth, Faith, and Service in preparing the next generation of godly leaders and transformative citizens and in obedience to the Great Commission found in Mathew 28:18-20.
The mission of SBC is the development of the total person through relevant programs in Instruction, Research, and Community Extension based on the tenets of Truth, Faith and Service.
An institution committed to quality Christian Education responsive to the needs of the nation and the world.
- Assist learners to use artistic and aesthetic sensibility in day-to-day life situation.
- Enable learners to achieve a balance growth as social being in tune with our culture through performance task.
- Provide a balance among curricular and extra- curricular activities.
- Produce self-disciplined, responsible, independent, cooperative and Christ-centered individuals.
- Apply effective and wise use of technology information and literary tools.
- Guide students to a wise choice of career,
Our Institutional Goals
– Provide holistic & responsive educational programs anchored on Biblical worldview.
– Promote programs that continuously train a pool of ethical, qualified and committed human resources.
– Produce locally responsive and globally competent graduates with transformative Christian Values in the era of ASEAN Integration and globalization.
– Pursue research and other scholarly activities that generate new knowledge and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for all.
– Participate in community services that foster sustainable peace and development programs through partnerships with the private and public sectors.
Southern Baptist College is a Christian institution which was originally incorporated in 1951 under the name of the United Christian College (UCC). The College began the operation in 1952 with an enrolment of 200 students. Reverend Perfecto Yasay was the first Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Roberto Betia served as the Director of the school. A complete academic high school curriculum, as well as subjects in the Liberal Arts and Education, were offered in the first year.
The school was first registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a stock corporation. Today, the institution functions as a non-profit college under the directives established by the Board of Trustees in keeping with the regulations of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Department of Education (DepEd).
Mlang Baptist Church assumed responsibility for operating the college during the transition from stock to nonstock status. Most of the supporters and sponsors of the college were members of this church. these members later sought affiliation with the Philippine Mission of the Southern Baptist Convention in regard to help in operating the college. Mr. Loreto Juson and Reverend John E. Jackson were instrumental in working out a relationship between the Mission and Southern Baptist College, whereby the mission agreed to extend limited aid in the form of capital grants and personnel. The Board of Trustees voted to change the name of the institution from United Christian College to Southern Baptist College in 1956.
The degree Associate in Arts was first awarded in 1959 and Bachelor of Arts as well as Bachelor of Science in Education degrees were first granted in 1961. In 1963-1964 school permission was obtained to offer Third Year courses in Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program as well as courses for Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce. The College awarded its First Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree in 1965.
- Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato 9402 Philippines
- sbc_mlang@yahoo.com
- sobapcophil1952@gmail.com
- Phone/Fax: [064] 572 4020